Thursday, July 31, 2008

This seems pretty fun-it will be even more interesting to see if anyone comments:)


1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember.

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see all the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume your playing the game and I will come to your blog and leave one about you.


Jill said...

Two words...

And countless other memories that could probably fill an entire blog on their own.

Martins said...

I remember you sitting in primary in front of me looking VERY uncomfortable and I thought it might be a good opening for me to finally talk to someone in the ward. And then we were off.

Stephanie said...

I remember coming over once, right after you had spread your grass seed and you told me all about it. It was always fun to come over, although I wish I had had more time with you!

tam said...

memories....hmmm this is a tough one! We have spent way too much time together to just pick one! From all the college days, to fun workouts and day care in St. George to suprising each other and moving to IF at the same time!! Or indulging in all the wonderful food we enjoy together, or ordering fun ABC deals....I can't pinpoint one, but hope to make many more!!

Tandee said...

My first memory of you was bringing you an invitation to Bre's baby shower, not even knowing you or your first name, and feeling really dumb because I realized that you had just had Ashlyn, and all your family was over, but you were super nice. Then you came to the shower, and I got to sub for you in Primary while you were still gone with Ashlyn, and I got to know you better since then... =)

Blake and Breanna said...

We have way too many together! But the first one I remember is watching you waddle out to get your mail and thinking that you were going to pop and once you finally did we brought you over some lasagna. We have been having way too much fun since then.

Angie said...

One of my favorite memories of you is when we played How to Host a Murder. You and Russ looked awesome! It was a great night.

Andrea said...

I have so may recent ones, but the one I will never forgetis that night that you came over to keep me company when Derik was gone and we stayed up talking until 3am. You are such a great friend, you are always there for me!

Melany said...

I remember eating homemade trail mix at lake powell in the cubby of your boat!