Friday, September 28, 2007


I never know what kind of crazy thing my kids are going to do next. Tonight I came home from grocery shopping and as I am walking up the front steps I hear this knocking sound. So I look up and Trey is standing up in his window(I have no idea how he got up there!)and he is buck naked! It is dark outside and his bedroom light was on so anyone and everyone passing by had a great view of my son in his birthday suit! Like I said before,"what will they think of next?!" (I'm not sure I want to know!)


Blake and Breanna said...

I can so see your son doing that. I think that they learn those things from their fathers. It is definitely not something that we would teach them I am just glad that my daughter was not around to see.

Tandee said...

...and where was Russ? Obviously unaware of what Trey was doing, eh? Oh, you've gotta love those "teaching moments"! =)

Andrea said...

Cute! and all boy I must add:) Someday maybe I'll know the joy of little boys..right now just big boy mischeif:)

Angie said...

I was just thinking it was a free show when I drove by.

Me said...

...and here I've been saying how he seems so much more mature lately during Primary...