Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Potty Party!

Ashyln has decided that it is fun to sit on the potty. She will be playing around and then run into the bathroom yelling "potty! potty!" She sits there for about five minutes(doesn't go or anything) and then says "all done" and wants to get down. I hope this means that she will potty train early!


Blake and Breanna said...

Rylee wanted to sit on the potty yesterday too. Wouldn't that be nice if they just potty trained themselves. If only we could be that lucky.

Angie said...

Good luck with that...too bad sitting and doing are quite different:)

Stephanie said...

Hi Kara!
Good luck with the potty training! With Ruthie we did the "Training in One Day" and it worked great. She is so cute and so big!

Andrea said...

Adelyn still won't potty train....hope you have better luck! Cute pic!